Below represent four ideas on how to organize and orchestrate the physical form of the corridor itself. This area of interest will effectively be my starting point for developing a scheme for the development of the Playas Corridor and adjacent development. Scheme 1 represents the rough ideas of IMPLAN which call for a one-way boulevard couplet scheme with development between the roads. In schemes 2 through 4 I have steered away from couplet schemes and focused on two way boulevard schemes. Currently I am considering a combination of schemes 2 and 3. The main thoroughfare would be shifted to the west (as in scheme 2) meaning more short bridge crossings towards the top of the canyons. However the mouths of these canyons would fall east of the corridor allowing residents of the eastern neighborhoods and Colonia Cumbres to access the canyonlands. The alignment of scheme 3's road would overlay onto scheme 2 essentially becoming a local or frontage road that could serve local needs and be more continuous. Mixed-use development on a more predestrian scale would occur along this frontage road. From here I will begin to explore sectional as well as planemetric qualities of the site and jump scale to understand some of the major intersections.

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